Wednesday, January 9, 2013


James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

 After my sister passed away , my family traveled all around the US and Canada before returning back to the mission field in Brazil.  My dad chose to speak on the 1st chapter of James as we went from church to church for months. Needless to say, I had the passage memorized. It never got old to me though, I have always loved and treasured the book. I am a black and white kind of person so James and I get along great. I love and admire His honesty and straightforwardness. He speaks my language.
    I had to memorize the entire book of James, in the King James version, for Bible Class in the eighth grade. I didn't love that version so much, but it did continually deepen my love for the book - it's full of so much practical truth. I have always loved James 1:5, but for years I was reading it the wrong way -to be honest, it used to terrify me a little when I was growing up.  I thought that the Lord would only hear my prayers for wisdom IF He found no fault in me...and it's impossible to be faultless! So, it would always stress me out. I would continually wonder if He would answer my cries for wisdom, if I met the standard and if I was even being heard - but I always knew how desperately I needed His wisdom, so I carried on clinging to the verse believing that if I was good enough and forgiven that God would give me the stamp of approval and wisdom I was asking for.
     My sweet Pastor's wife, Denise, was giving a devotional on James 1:5 last year at our precious pastor's wives lunch. The way she read the passage changed my view completely! It took all the fear out of it and filled it up with an amazing unconditional love and grace. I saw it with fresh eyes, God gives wisdom to us generously WITHOUT finding fault. That's it. He doesn't find fault in those who believe  because we are covered, hidden in Christ, surrounded by Him, clothed in Him - Jesus is what God sees when He looks at me. He delights in generously giving wisdom to me, it's not conditional, it's a promise to those who believe. Beautiful.

     In light of my new found LOVE of this promise, this is what I am asking God for today...

-Wisdom as I love, teach and discipline my kids - because I don't always know the best way, but you know exactly what they need.
-Wisdom as I council others - because your ways are perfect and always best, your truth is what changes hearts and lives, may that be what flows from me.
-Wisdom in how to spend my time - because I want to be a good steward of every minute you give me, it's a gift. Help me to be heavenly minded.
-Wisdom in how I use the energy You have given me - because I have about a million different things to spend it on, and I want to invest it in what matters to You. Help me discern what your priorities are for this day.
-Wisdom in how to respond in a gentle and godly way to the trials that I face - because you know that I sometimes over react, lash out or respond with my emotions instead of your wisdom. However, I want to respond in every way to everything with your wisdom.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." 
James 3:17

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