Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What do you smell like today?

       Last week my 9 year old son decided that he was in need of some cologne. He is growing up way to fast as it is! He wants to be just like his daddy. First he wanted to use Dad's Old Spice body wash, then it was deoderant too and now we are onto cologne. Can I just say that I had to put my foot down! I am so glad that he no longer wants to smell like dirt as all little boys do no matter how many times you bathe them, but I was certainly not ready for him to smell like a manly man!

     The day after my sons request, we drove out to grandpa's farm. Elijah often goes out there and stays the night. He loves to help grandpa with all the farm chores and it is his hands down, absolute, favourite thing. He gets completely spoiled for 48 hours...grandpa loves to lavish his great-grandson with time, affection and Dr. Pepper. Elijah also gets to drive grandpa's fancy new tractor. This my friends, is heaven for my 9 year old son, absolute heaven. So it was honestly no surprise to me that when I picked Elijah up he smelled a little different then usual.  In fact, tucked away in his back pack were two bottles of mens cologne! I had put my foot down, I had even told grandpa no the day before....but that sweet man can't resist the hard work, charm and big pleading eyes of his grandson. He loves him and loves to lavish him with gifts.

       I love that my grandpa loves my son. It is not just evident in the way he spoils him but even more so in the things he takes the time to teach him. David and I do our best to teach our kids how to live godly lives. But there is somethings absolutely precious and effective about an older, wiser, godly man investing in my son's life and character.

       As I look at their relationship is is evident to me that my grandpa loves Elijah with a God kind of love. He is patient, forgiving, bestows gifts but also gently and firmly corrects and teaches my son the value of a good work ethic, responsibility, generosity and many other character building qualities.

      God is like that. He loves us, HE loves us more than any kind of human love we have ever known. He loves to give His children gifts and blessings. He loves to pour out His love on us in that way. But His love is perfect. He loves us too much to let us live in our fallen state. He loves us too much to let us carry on living in sin, with out growth, change or quality of character. We often think
that God is punishing us when He choses to with-hold something we think we desperately need. Sometimes our first response is to think He has grown impatient with us or angry with us when He disciplines us for our sin. But it is actually quite the contrary. Often God withholds things, disciplines us or allows things in our lives because He loves us too much to to let us carry on in that state. It is just another way that He pours out His love on us. Our character, our lives, our light, our joy and our love is all far more important to Him than our security on earth, our immediate gratification, our comfortability and the fleeting happiness we so often pursue.

        Whatever season you are in, this is truth... God has not forgotten, forsaken or abandoned you. You may have gone so far off the path that you don't even know how to get back. God has not gone anywhere, He will always purse you, always love you, readily forgive you and patiently wait for you to  come back to Him. But why wait any longer when all your longings for love, forgiveness and complete healing can be met by the One true mighty to save God?

       You may just be keeping one area back from the Lord, but why? When His light and love shines in all areas of your life, only then can you experience true satisfaction, joy and abundance of life. Step into the light!

       You may be going through a time if chastening right now and it hurts, it's hard work, its painful....Persevere sweet friend, Jesus has victory for you. Even in the pain, He is lavishing His love on you. You and I are being refined and every day that we trust Him more, our faces shine brighter, our burdens are lighter and His glory shines.

        Praise the Lord for those of you who are living in a season of fruitfulness, blessing and fellowship with Him. Be thankful and be generous in your love and encouragement towards others! God has blessed you in this season so that you can bring Him glory! SO what can you do today that will shine the love of Jesus in someone else's life?

        Whatever season you are in, I pray that today you smell like Royal Spice, just like my son. In all you do, allow God's fragance to wash away any hint of bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, pride.... you get the picture! May your fragrance be that of God's abounding love, forgiveness and grace. May everyone who comes into contact you today be blessed by you and know that you are a Child of the King!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I am not alone

    My weakness made Perfect in His Strength
2 Corinthians 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

     As I sit here, still in my pajamas, uggs and an oversized ugly sweatshirt, I have no deodorant on, no make up on and my hair is standing up in a few places; evidence of how horribly I slept last night... I am surrounded by puking children and a disheveled home.... Lord help anyone who sees me in this state... ha ha you will never be able to unsee what you have seen!  I have a confession to make... Over the past few weeks I have been a little down. It's not a common place for me to go, but when I do go there, I become very isolated and turn all my thoughts inward to process on my own... It's a funny thing, when I need the support of my family and friends the most, my tendency is to isolate myself completely. Over the years, when the troubles of this world have clouded my sight of the Lord's workings in my life, I have learned that being isolated and pulling back is exactly where Satan wants me....away from everything and everyone that points me to who God is in my life, in that moment, in my circumstance... and yet I still go there. It's my default place for a few reasons, first of them being I don't love drama. I never want to be that girl that always has drama going on. Secondly, I hate inconveniencing people, no one needs to hear about all my burdens, that's just no fun for them! Thirdly, pride I guess. God forbid I NOT have everything together in my life!

        Maybe I am the only fool that becomes a hermit when I get overwhelmed or down. But, what I know is this, when I isolate myself regardless of how big or little the burden is, turning inward keeps me from looking upward. Life's circumstances become my focus. Just a few examples from my last 3 weeks.... My mom has been in the hospital, and is still there, 14 hours away from me. I am feeling helpless and very useless from this far away! David's car has broken down three times in three weeks! I kid you not! And even though we are Dave Ramseying it up in the Libby home, the paycheck that the Lord has blessed us with IS our month to month... AND we praise GOD for that He is always so faithful to meet our needs!!! But when the car breaks three times....that is daunting.....then our oven goes on the frits, then our fridge and today our dishwasher.... LORD help us! Thankfully, the Lord has honest to goodness revived some of our appliances and at the moment they are just making very loud noises and shutting off at their own convenience, which has been interesting...but we are truly being sustained by the Lord alone in this season. I am not saying these things to complain at all, I am anticipating the Lord showing His glory in it all... just waiting to see how He is going to do it! He has never left us or failed to provide for our needs.

         Between family, finances, my crazy schedule, lots of ministry and our four children... I am learning once again how much I need the Lord to sustain my daily living. But, actually remembering to turn my eyes upwards when I feel the weight of all the burdens is difficult for me sometimes. And when I pull back from everyone, I can feel very alone in it all.... and begin thinking things like this... "Am I the only sleep deprived mother with an imperfect home, full of endless dish washing, laundry doing, house cleaning and child refereeing?  Are we the only people who despite our best efforts and dedication in being wise with our finances are never able to get ahead because something always happens, and we are back in square one, completely relying on the Lord for provision again? Am I the only one that can barely keep up with all that is on my plate right now with out going absolutely insane?" I may feel like NO ONE knows or understands what I am walking through right now... but then I open my Bible Study for the week and God in His almighty wisdom and goodness as ALWAYS has something just for me. He had this to say through Priscilla Shirer's Gideon study..."We all know how it feels to be...Scared. Outnumbered. Intimidated. Exhausted." And remarkably, just that simple small little reminder is all I needed to burrow out of my hibernation. People may not live through the exact same circumstance that I do, but they all have their own circumstances that have made them feel the same way. I am not alone.

     As I read that list I kind of had to laugh to myself... Everyday I can have moments where I am scared or worried for my kids, scared of failing and worried about how we are going to make ends meet. Everyday I am out numbered 4 to one, three days a week 6 to one (just in kids alone)! I often feel intimidated because of my own inadequacies. I am surrounded by gifted, talented, stylish, beautiful people with amazing personalities...that alone can be intimidating.  Lately, I am not sleeping much and doing way too much, which makes me absolutely, extremely, beyond words exhausted. So, in this season I qualify for all those weaknesses. Which can be overwhelming if my gaze is not intently focused on my Almighty GOD, my Sustainer, Provider, Father, and Friend! And this I know to be perfectly true, His strength, glory, power and might can shine brightly in my life and in my circumstance because of my inadequacy, Praise God. That's all I want my life to be anyway... a testimony of ALL God's glory and goodness. In a way, my shortcomings are making me useful for His kingdom, and right now, I have a lot of weakness for Him to work with! ;) The same is true for you. Where you lack God Almighty rises to shine. Embracing that truth is what is going to make the difference in you and I. We can either feel isolated and limited by our weakness, or we can be hopeful, confident and full of faith in what the Lord can do despite our lack and circumstance. He is just good like that. My weakness + God = miraculous living. Living life with my greatest strengths in my own ability but without God = I am left lacking. It doesn't even compare to the richness and fullness of my inadequacy with His Power.

     In saying all of that, if you too have been burrying your head in the sand for a season, hiding out away form others or putting up walls to keep others out... you are not where the Lord wants you to be. You and I were made for greater things. And in isolating yourself you are putting a great big target on your back! Get your Bible out, get involved in a study, reach out to a friend.... We were meant to walk this road together, not alone in hibernation. God has a great plan for you, for me and even for our weakness. Just wait and see what kind of miracles He has in store for you! He may change your circumstance, He may not...but He will use your life for His kingdom and glory. Shinning is so much more fun than hiding.

Isaiah 40:29 
"The Lord gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak."

Psalm 29:11
 "The Lord gives strength to His people and blesses them with peace."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This Summer and all its Happenings Part 2

       There is nothing quite as sweet as seeing a father lay eyes on his brand new baby girl and hold her so sweetly, carefully and protectively! Especially when that father is your little brother! My little brother Tim and his wife Noelle became a family of three this summer when the beautiful Ivory Nightingale made her entrance to this world! Oh my word, is she ever a beauty! My brother is a passivest to the core of his being, but having a beauty like this growing up in the house, I think he may need a gun or two.... He is going to be the most spectacular father ever and Noelle is already the perfect mother for sweet little Ivory!

      My parents flew me down to surprise Tim and Noelle! That's how the Nightingales roll... We love surprises and love to surprise! It was such a beautiful blessing and gift to be able to be in their home, spending precious time with them and my new gorgeous niece! I got lots of cuddle time and wouldn't have had it any other way! Being an Auntie is the best!!! We get all the love and get sleep too!

While I was in Cali I also took my mom out for manicures and pedicures. It was her first time, so that was a really special and fun treat! It was very precious to be able to have those days with my family. I soaked up every minute of it!

       After flying back from Fresno I had the great privilege of sharing Lily's story at the Women's Bible studies at our church! It was such a blessing for me as I prepared for it to walk through the miracles that God graciously poured out on my daughter and our family during that time, what it taught me and how I grew! I was also blessed beyond words at the support and love that I received from my dear friends, who made it a priority to be there and support me. It meant the world to me. My prayer is that God will continue to use Lily's story and life for His glory!

 Right after that, I packed up the suburban and headed up to spend a few weeks with my parents in Pincher Creek! Needless to say it was the craziest summer in Libby history! Our time in Canada, and camping to come....


Sunday, August 25, 2013

I have found the one my soul loves

      This summer David and I celebrated 11 years of marriage! It's amazing when we look back at who we were 11 years ago and who we are today. Our years together have grown us into who we are now. Through the ups and the downs God has used our marriage to sharpen and transform us. Living life together in such close proximity through the years, raising our four children together and moving across the face of the planet twice has brought out the best and the worst in us. Given the opportunity to do it all again....I would chose this life, my man, our kids and every move a thousand times.

       Our marriage has been like a mirror for me. It has allowed me to see the clearest, purest and most honest reflection of myself and all that is in me. It has made me painfully aware of my sin, my default responses and my flaws.....BUT it has also shown me my strengths at a capacity that I never knew I had. God has used every bit of the process to make me more like Him. Every time an imperfection rises to the surface, He gives me the strength, wisdom and direction I need to grow and change so that I look more like Him in that area of my life. I am certain that this is going to be a life long process for me and I am grateful that the Lord God Almighty only reveals what I can handle, when I can handle it. Changing life long patterns of pride, bitterness, denial, insecurity... and the list goes on.....takes a lot of work and perseverance and dependence on the Lord. It is so worth every moment of discipline and dependence, because I have seen Him transform my life, He is still transforming my life and hopefully won't ever give up on me!

         As I think about how much I have grown and changed over the last 11 years one thing is certain. The Lord has used my husband more than anyone else in this life to show me His love, goodness, grace, forgiveness, devotion and joy. David has pointed me to Jesus over and over again. He has been my closest friend, confidant and love. What I admire about David most is that he has not just told me what God's Word says about living....but he strives to live it! My love and complete admiration for my husband has only grown over the years as I have seen him walk so faithfully, love so unconditionally and continually strive to know Jesus more and live more like Him. David's walk with the Lord and how that has translated into his love for me and the kids has transformed my life. I have been the beneficiary of such a pure and priceless love. And because of how my husband loves me, I understand God's love in a way I never knew before.

        Now as a grown-upish woman, looking back at when David and I started our journey together, I can see I didn't even know I needed being rescued, but I did. I was so proud, independent and guarded.  My walls not only effected our relationship, but it also kept me from depending on the Lord and growing in Him as well. It was through the ups and downs of marriage and David's constant love for me that my heart began to soften and I longed for change that only Jesus could bring. As I look back at who I was 11 years ago rittled with insecurity, defensive and guarded... and now who I am today - secure, confident in the love of my Savior, humbled by His love and grace and able to share it with others , a little older, a little wiser and beyond words grateful for the life He has blessed me with and the people in it.  I praise the Lord that He has transformed me and that He is still doing a work in me. I am overwhelmed that He would give me such an amazing man, who has stood by me all these years, loved me unconditionally and walked every road with me with insurmountable strength, patience and grace. I have never met anyone like my husband. His love for the Lord and love for me has captivated my heart. I have found the one my soul loves.

        What has made our marriage what it is today.... Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. He makes all the difference. He is the only thing that can satisfy the longing in your soul and mine. He is the only thing that can complete you, fill you, love you fully the way you long to be loved and the only one that can completely know you the way you desire to be fully known. What I have learned in 11 years is that with out Jesus in my day to day I put those expectations of David. There is no way he can meet them. More than anything in the world, David and I need Jesus and strive to live our lives to bring Him glory. When we are pressing into Him, trusting Him and allowing Him to grow us and change us, it frees us both up to love each other with no expectations or demands. Living a life together, devoted to God, His plan and purpose for our lives and growing together along the way...that is better than happily ever after.

       Here is to many more anniversaries together baby!!! I love you and would choose you over and over again! Thank you for all your love and for sharing your life with me. I can't believe I get to be yours! I love you!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Libby Summer Fun and the Lord's workings 1


          It has been awhile since my last post, let me just say...this has been the craziest, busiest summer of our lives and will continue to be absolutely insane for the next 8 weeks! We had a few family days together last week and we made the most of them!!! We went berry picking, cherry picking, swimming, floating down the river, visited some family and had a few bbq's in our back yard too. It was a lot to fit into 3 days, but we made so many memories and had so much fun!!! It was wonderful to love on the kids and enjoy them with no other obligations or expectations and experience some adventurous things with them! Perfection!

       After our three packed full days of fun, we loaded up the suburban and headed down to camp for the week. David was speaking at Fir Point Bible Camp. This has always been one of my favorite things, because I grew up attending the camp as a camper, then as worked there as staff and now get to return as the speakers wife in recent years- enabling me to make some memories in my favorite place with my kids as well! That place is like home to me. I love the smells, the buildings, cabins, lodges, pools, trees, mugs (that they have been using for at least 30 years!), the staff, the campers and everything. It is one of my ALL time favorite places in the world. So as you can imagine I was very much looking forward to this week....and I thought that I had a pretty good idea of what to expect as we have been there so many times before. But OH MY WORD> it quickly became a week I will never forget.

    Looking back I believe that the Lord in His perfect goodness and grace orchestrated it all last year when the plans were made, knowing that it would be a week like NO other in the lives of the Libby's. I know with out a shadow of doubt that of all the places in the entire world, that camp ground, nestled in the rolling hills amid all the massive, beautiful trees was exactly where God wanted us to be. And I could not be more grateful that He was able to use our hands and feet to serve and love the broken hearted in powerful ways with His perfect love and grace. It was completely humbling to be used in that capacity over and over again.

      It felt like there was such a battle being fought in that place! A battle for souls, for new life, for peace, justice, victory and reconciliation. One after another came, sometimes alone and sometimes in groups desperate for something different in life. I have been to so many camps in my life, none were ever like this. EVER. Despite the restlessness, and turmoil that seemed to be settling in at camp, the Lord was so thick in that place! Over and over faithfully filling us with wisdom and discernment and we prayed, comforted, encouraged, instructed and listened to person after person. We have been in full time ministry now for 9 years and I have never experienced spiritual warfare like that in an event like this one. BUT, I have also never experienced the Lord like that ! Mind Blown - Heart and Life FOREVER CHANGED! He was SO faithful, so powerful, so present in every single moment of every single conversation. He was so tangible and filled us both with such a strength and wisdom as we fought the good fight. I had prayed on Thursday morning that the Lord would use me that day to do everything for Him. Completely for Him, in His strength and for His glory. I had no idea how the Lord would use me as I became completely available to Him and completely dependent upon Him, because by Thursday, David and I were physically tired and emotionally drained beyond words...and still, the Lord God Almighty, in my weary state used me. Experiencing His Presence and Holy Spirit in that way until my head hit the pillow at 2am built my faith in a new and precious way. Over and over He was so faithful to give me words, love and wisdom.... and it was all for eternity. Praise the Lord!

        After last week, I feel like I have  new mission in life....because this is what I learned this week. Most people, even professing Christians DO NOT BELIEVE that the cross is enough... Enough for salvation, enough for forgiveness, enough for transformation, enough for a new life...... To almost everyone we spoke to this week they believed in.... the cross the cross AND....a good life...the cross AND...proving yourself worthy...

      The blood of Jesus is ENOUGH - The cross and the cross alone has provided our freedom, forgiveness and salvation. When you take a moment and think about the darkest, deepest most sinful pit you've ever been in...JESUS meets you there and rescues you, cleans you, frees you and gives you new life!!! Why are so many Christians still living in chains?! Time live what we claim to believe!

      God is good, He not only grew my faith, met others, freed people and gave them a chance to see what life could be like....HE gave us precious times with friends we love and the kids too! They had the time of their lives with my friend Natalie, David and I! They didn't want to leave come Friday....story of my life growing up! May God continue to do His work in that beautiful place.

     Until the next free moment I have this insane summer....
I hope your summer is just as blissful and beautiful
as ours has been this far!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Dress Up

     One thing that is always very predictable here in the Libby home is Sunday's morning routine. Every morning she gets up and runs straight to her big sisters dressers and picks out clothes that are 5 sizes to big to wear for the day. She puts them on all on her own, runs down stairs and with her face absolutely beaming she says to either David or I, "Do I look beautiful?". Most mornings the dress or shirt she picks is barely hanging on by a single shoulder strap, but she feels so beautiful in the clothes that belong to the girls she loves, adores and aspires to be like.

       This morning as she was prancing around the house and twirling around in Hope's summer dress, the Lord gently spoke to my heart and brought Colossians 3:12-15 to my mind. "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." 

     What if my routine was just like Sunday's? Every morning when I wake up, I rush with all enthusiasm and determination to clothe myself in a way that clearly communicates my love for Jesus. He is the one I love, admire and aspire to be like. What if I dressed up every day in his characteristics and attributes and in the beautiful things that He desires for me to wear.

   I am certain that if I was swimming in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, love, forgiveness, peace and thankfulness that I would feel SO beautiful. Just like my sweet little Sunday. I am also quite certain that as I look to the Father, clothed in His righteousness and displaying these qualities that reflect His light so brightly - that He DELIGHTS in me and says, "You have never been more beautiful."

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Shape of my Hearts Throne

    When I was young... and if I am going to be truly honest... even still now, my life very much revolves around food and all kinds of delicious sweets. I know it seems like a silly thing to say, but it is one of my life's passions. I LOVE to cook and I love to eat good, really good food. Who could blame me? I grew up Mennonite! Both my parents are amazing cooks and fresh bread, cinnamon rolls, doughnuts and every kind of delicious entree was marinated and prepared to perfection... they have passed their recipes and their pure delight in cooking absolute deliciousness on to me, and now I am joyfully busy in the kitchen teaching my kids how to bake and cook to their little hearts content. It is one of our favorite things to do together. Many memories and much laughter has been shared around the mixer!

     Today I spent some time looking back at my life and considering the things that have been the most important to me from as far back as I can remember until now. I used to save every single cent I earned. When I had 15 cents saved up, my mom would walk downtown with me, past all the quaint brick buildings in Mountain Lake MN and I would go back and forth forever about whether to spend my cents on a little box of Lemonheads or Redhots. I loved that time with her and of coarse my precious box of candy too!

      The other most important thing, actually THE most important thing from as far back as I can remember, has always been relationships. I have cared deeply for the people in my life, our family friends, church friends, school friends... I have thrived, depended and loved the relationships in my life.    I have cherished the sweet people the Lord has brought into my life, so much so, that even if I haven't seen some of them for years, nothing in my heart has changed, I still love them and the memories shared! God has used them to shape and form who I am today and for that I am forever grateful. As I have gotten older, relationships have become more and more important and valued. My husband, children and extended family are such a big part of my every day life and world as I know it. They have truly made me rich in all the ways that matter. I have never known or understood love like I know it now, walking through life with my little village of 6.

       The third thing that jumped right out to me was ministry.  It has always been a part of my life, and a vital part. I have loved serving in different ministries and to different capacities throughout the seasons. It has never been an option for me, more of a way of life. That is one other passion and discipline that I have gratefully inherited from my family, a desire to serve and to be of use to God however He can use me.

     These three things pretty much sum Rachel Libby up in a nut shell.  They are the things that bring me joy and that consume my mind and heart on a daily basis. All beautiful wonderful things, but I often turn to them in my search for fulfillment, satisfaction and self worth.
      In the last two years, I feel as though I have been enrolled in God's in depth coarse  of the human heart. My human heart. There are a thousand different things that I have learned. Some lessons God graciously and gently taught me, and other ones I learned through pain, grief, trials and discipline. So hard, but SO good. After the pruning comes the fruit. Praise God!

     In the last few weeks, over and over again - through various studies, conversations and the sermon series on Amos, God has been opening my eyes and turning my attention to the things in this life that I place on the seat of my heart's throne. Idols are not just statues carved out of stone or wood, they can be blessing and gifts that the Lord has given us, that we carve out a place for in our hearts.

     When I elevate my husband, kids, friends and ministry to a place in my heart where I am seeking to find fulfillment and satisfaction from them alone; not only do I come away dissapointed and with a distorted view of the gifts God has given me, it puts pressure and expectation on them in a truly unhealthy way. No one and no thing can take the place of God or fill us the way we were made to be filled to the fullness of Christ.

         God created you and I to be in relationship with Him. God loves us, is jealous for us and desires our hearts just as intensely as He did the Isrealites in the Old Testament. He wants NOTHING to stand in between Him and us. We are His loves, His bride, His prize. When we value, love and esteem people or things more than Him - He will go to every extent to bring us back to Him. Not because He is controlling and mean, but because He is God. He is GOD we are human flesh created by Him, in existence because of His goodness, mercy and grace.... our place is on our knees. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows we desperately need Him. He desires His best for us.

       As I have reflected on my own heart, I have become aware of how it is prone to wander.  I have had to confess that I allow other things to reign in my heart and mind. I have sought forgiveness and asked the Lord to fill me up to the fullness of Christ, that He and He alone would reign in me. I pray that my love for my family, for my friends and for the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to me will flow FROM my LOVE of the Lord. That I will seek to place Him above all else, seeking His face, grace, love and forgiveness to fill me daily, releasing those I love from my expectations and unspoken demands. In doing that my relationships have been all the richer, and my love for them has flown freely - from the abundance of His love in me.  I know that I will daily have to keep my heart in check, but my understanding is so much deeper and I want to live out my days worshiping the One who deserves every bit of my devotion and praise.


Psalm 106:36
They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.

Isaiah 42:8
“I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.

Psalm 31:6
I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the Lord.

Psalm 78:58
They angered him with their high places; they aroused his jealousy with their idols.

Ezekiel 14:3
“Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I let them inquire of me at all?

Ezekiel 14:5
I will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel, who have all deserted me for their idols.’

Ezekiel 14:6
“Therefore say to the people of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Repent! Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!

1 Thessalonians 1:9
for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,

Deuteronomy 7:5
This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.

Jeremiah 14:22
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.

Romans 14:11
It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’”

Sunday, April 7, 2013


   Time, time, sweet, precious time.  I either have too much of it on my hands or not enough, usually the latter. At this point in my life, time seems to be flying by. From what I hear, it slips away, faster and faster as the years go by. Time pulls at opposite ends of my heart in this season. I am desperate to keep it still and slow it down as I hold onto sweet moments with my kids as they grow. I try to soak up every cuddle, laugh and good teaching moment that I can. Those are the sweet moments that I pray will be etched in my mind forever. I also don't want to forget the tears, life lessons learned, and bumps and bruises along the way. Those moments are hard, but they are shaping my kids (and me too) and growing their character beautifully. If I had a remote for this life, I could fast forward the fits, potty training and the difficult seasons. But, if I skipped to all the perfect moments I would miss so much of the heart, so much of the growth, most of life. How handy would a rewind button be?! Relive all the dance parties, snuggled up quiet times, jokes and laughter? Brilliant! I could rewind and have moment re-do's in which I don't lose my temper, get impatient or can say the right thing the first time, that would be nice. But, life comes remote free- it is meant to be lived moment by moment, season by season. We are meant to make the most of it all, do our absolute best, learn from our mistakes, and be all the wiser. There is no way of stopping it or slowing time down, so I daily remind myself to make the most of every opportunity,  every gifted moment in time.
     There is a pull in the opposite direction for me as well. Sometimes, I just can't wait to be in a different season. I can get impatient and incontent while I wait on the Lord. There is SO much that I want to do, so many plans that I have, so much that I am passionate about, but God in His almighty wisdom and sovereignty has clearly said .... "Rachel, you wild child of mine, WAIT... this is not the season". I tend to be a little Marthaish. I am a doer. I think I can pile it on and conquer it all. And if the Lord had not graciously, gently but very clearly stopped me from doing more, I would probably be in a hot mess right now. He is good to me. He knows what I can handle and I am so thankful that He has protected me from myself and my tendency to do it all. The things that I want to do...OH they are SO good and I am so excited about them, and one day, when I get to serve in the ways my heart longs to it's gonna be SO good. God is using this time, the waiting period, to grow me, teach me and get me ready for what my heart is so passionate about. My maturity, wisdom, discernment and knowledge have had to catch up with my passion, and I am still working on it. There is so much that I want to do, and all good things, but I never want to live my life today just waiting for tomorrow. What God has given me to do today is infinitely more important than the plans that I have for the future. I pray that He will gently remind my heart of that truth every time it starts to wander. And may He generously give me His perspective and insight into His plans for me and my family, and His timing - and may I be patient enough to wait.
Proverbs 16:3
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."
Proverbs 19:21
"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails."

      Sometimes, mainly in the mommy moments, it is easy for me to forget that time is a gift. You know, the sleepless nights, waking up to an overflowing sink and flooding bathroom (thank you Sunday), playing referee all day to fighting kids, cooking with kids (they think they are helping, but really they are just creating memories that we can laugh about tomorrow)...the endless messes, I mean endless... I clean a room, come back to it five minutes later and it looks like I had never been there in the first place... dishes, laundry, muddy footprints.... it never ends. It is in those moments, that I need to remind myself that life is not ever going to be perfect... I will regret it if I don't make this time, this day, this crazy life of mine count! The craziness and busyness of growing four kids in my house, is what I am going to miss most one day. Not to mention, it is the most important thing that I will ever do with my life. I want to take the time to raise them, love them, hold them and teach them right!    

 Time will come and go. But what we do with our time for eternity.... That will last forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.
What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday 2

  This morning was a breath of fresh air for this heart of mine. Life has gotten so busy and has been so full lately that I have grown a little weary. We have been busy, busy, busy with wonderful and amazing things. Life is full and good. Full time ministry is busy, four kids is busy and homeschooling is busy.... I don't often get to spend time, quality time, quiet uninterrupted time with sweet friends.

   This morning I got two precious hours with one of my dearest friends. We didn't do anything adventurous or crazy exciting, neither of us have pressing things to share, cry or laugh about, but our time together was so sweet and precious to me. I always leave our times together feeling like I am not in life alone, I have some sweet friends that suit up and shoulder life with me. Sometimes that's all I need. Just a sweet little reminder that I have a life line outside of my crazy house, busy ministry and hours of conversations with human beings under the age of ten. So breakfast out and brisk walk in the spring sunshine with a dear friend was perfection.

   This is a busy season of life, there is no changing that. God has graciously shown me how to joyfully embrace all that is on my plate.  Gratitude is what fuels the joy in my heart. I have plenty to be thankful for, I just need to mindfully take the time to say thank you on the crazy busy days. So here are the things that I am thankful for this Thursday.

1. A precious brown eyed Sunday girl, who loves to laugh and loves to pick me flowers and weeds.
2. A son who is eager to please, obey and quick apologize when he has hurt his sisters feelings ... and diligently empties my dishwasher daily!
3. Hope's maturity in caring for her little sister, making her bed every morning and being a so generous with her love and affection towards me, fills up my love tank!
4. Lily's sense of humor brings laughter into every event in our home and her thoughtfulness and sweet grace towards others enriches the atmposhere in the Libby home daily.
5. I am thankful beyond words for husband who cares deeply for our family, loves the Lord with his whole heart and loves his job!
6. I am thankful for the sweet friends the Lord has blessed me with. Whether I see them once a week or once a month, I feel blessed and enriched by their presence in my life.
7. I am thankful for the laughter that has filled our home this spring break, for all the cuddles on the couch in our pj's wrapped up in blankets, for spring walks in the sun and quality time with the people I love! Blessed. I am SO blessed!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My one little man

     Over the last few weeks I have had some sweet moments with my one and only son. As he is growing into such a remarkable young man the mixed emotions come flooding in. It pains me that he is growing up SO fast and at the same time I am so proud of the man he is growing up to be.

    I have seen such a maturity in him over the last few weeks. I am so thankful that as he is forming his many thoughts, ideas and opinions about life , he is doing so rooted and grounded in Christ. I have truly seen a transformation in him as we talk through things together.

     On Thursday night we drove past the salvation army as crowds of people were lining up for beds that night. Elijah and Hope were absolutely heart broken at the thought of all those people not having a home. It brought lots of great questions and sweet conversation for the rest of the drive home. Right before we pulled into the driveway, Elijah looked up at me with the most sincere look in his eyes he said, "I wish that those people would really, really know Jesus, like I know Jesus. Then they could all have a fresh start in life, just like God gave me." My heart and my eyes welled up as I thought about how far we have come together just in the last two years. I was so full of thanks for all the work the Lord has been doing in Elijah's life. It is the most precious thing to see faith rooted in his heart, sprouting, growing and producing sweet fruit all on it's own.

    I went back and forth and back and forth about home schooling Elijah this year. I was so afraid that he would feel like he was missing out, I was afraid that he would in fact miss out, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to teach him well enough, I am not really the teaching type.....and you know what?! It has turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made! We have had our ups and downs for sure, our occasional battles over math and a few meltdowns on both sides.... :) BUT the time we have been able to share, having him at home while the girls are a school, watching him grow and learn and being able to teach him so much more then subjects has been absolutely priceless. I am glad that I followed the Lord and stepped out of my comfort zone despite all my fears. I have been blessed in it all, beyond measure and Elijah and I have never been closer.

      I have learned quite a lot as well though all of this. Brace yourself, this may shock you just as much as it shocked me... I am not perfect. :) In all honesty, after this year it has never been more clear. I fall short in about a thousand ways. BUT the beautiful thing that the Lord has been teaching me day after day is grace; how to give it, and how to receive it. I am far from perfect, but I am the perfect mom for Elijah. TRUTH. God made me to be just the kind of mother that my boy needs. There is so much grace in that. I fail in one thing or another ever day. I can be impatient, unkind, selfish and irrational, nothing brings that out in a woman like home schooling! :) BUT even in my short comings I have been able to teach Elijah and my girls about how the Lord wants us to live. God has graciously shown me how to humbly lead them and teach them through my victories and my failures, we talk about it all. I also, have never needed Jesus more! I have four precious little ones with their eyes glued to me and their ears listening to what I have to say, it's an amazing and also terrifying place to be. I so badly don't want to mess up, so I rely heavily on the Lord day and night. It is safe to say that He comes to my rescue daily and through the raising of my children He and I have become the best of friends. I would not dare to even try to conquer the craziness of this household with out Him!

         When Elijah was 2, his favorite thing in the world was whales. They were the biggest thing his little mind knew of and he couldn't imagine anything greater. So when I would put him to bed at night he would wrap his little arms around me and say "I love you a million whales mama!" He needed me then, I was his whole world! When he is feeling sentimental about something he still tells me he loves me a million whales, but now that he is older our routine has changed. I get less kisses, cuddles and hugs for sure, but when he gives them to me they mean SO much. Every night when I say "I love you", he always says, "I love you more!". He doesn't say I love you in public, but he never fails to make eye contact with me and sign "I love you" every single time.

      Even though he is bigger, he is still just as sweet. Last night on the way home from church, after I gave him one of my "you have to be responsible, you have to be blah blah blah" speeches, he sat in silence and then said super sincerely  "I am really sorry mom, will you forgive me? And by the way, you look really pretty today." Somehow, it means so much  more coming from my extra opinionated, smart and independent growing son. Even though he thinks he is SO grown up, I know that he still needs me. He always will, it will just be for different things in different seasons and I am learning to be ok with that. My job after all is to help him succeed at being an honest, kind, godly man of integrity in this world one day. That would never happen if I didn't ever allow him to grow up. I will just soak in each day that I get with my ever growing little man, and keep praying that the Lord will help me to be exactly what Elijah needs me to be as he grows.



Monday, March 4, 2013

Xena the warrior princess

The Sword of the Spirit

Ephesians 6:10-18 

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take a stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and wit your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.Take the helmet of salvation  and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for the Saints."

     It's about time and far over due, but here it is, the last of the the armor of God! Studying the armor has truly made me aware of how desperately I need to be wearing it, and putting it on every day, even several times a day! Oh how we need it to succeed as we fight the good fight daily! 

      The sword of the spirit is the the Word of God.  Every other piece of armor is used as defense against attacks. The Bible is our powerful weapon that we can use to defend attacks AND fight back too. It's the only weapon we have, the only one we need! Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." 

      One day, you and I will be held accountable for how we used this precious piece of armor that the Lord lovingly breathed into existence for us. Do you know it? Do you use it? Have you hidden it in your heart? Do you love love love the words of redemption, forgiveness, love and power? We have access to the words of the Almighty, living, sovereign Maker and Savior. His Words are full of wisdom, council, hope, truth and the most beautiful love story every lived out so that you and I could be saved, free, loved and  forgiven. What a precious and valuable gift that our Maker and Savior gave. His Words, His love story in written form for us. When we read it; it brings light to our paths. When we believe the Good News clearly written throughout it; we are saved.  When we obey the commands in it; we are spared and protected from so much evil and consequence. When we hide it in our hearts; it becomes readily available for the fight. 

      God's Word protects us from Satan's lies, because it is full of TRUTH. God's Word overflows with loving words of truth about our value and worth. We are SO valuable that Jesus gave His life so that we could be saved. It's the weapon we have to fight Satan when he reminds us of our past sin - We know we are washed in the  blood of the lamb, covered in Christ's righteousness. We can fight seeds of doubt planted in our minds with the TRUTH -Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God". What power the Lord has given us in His spoken Word! It's truly the only power we have, shouldn't we be using it?! 

    When we don't know God's Word and aren't using it, we are often blind to the truth and accepting of the lies that Satan continually tells us. We are caught in a vicious battle with no weapon. When we are weaponless in battle we are not just completely unuseful, we becomes a hindrance to the other soldiers around us, fighting too. Can you imagine, a soldier in the middle of a battle choosing to not pick up his sword. It's right there, readily available to him and he doesn't pick it up and use it. He is not going to make it! And if he does survive, its because someone else has started to fight for him. That soldier is not only a fool, but a burden to those around him too. That thought alone is inspiration enough for me to go read my Bible right now! I do not want to be that kind of a soldier. I want to be as prepared and equipped as I can be, fighting shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters. So... I choose Xena the warrior princess. 

        Suit up! Pick up your sword and "pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for the Saints." Ephesians 6:18.We are all in it together, shoulder to shoulder, fighting the good fight. We need the armor and each other every day. This world has exalted tolerance over truth, materialism over contentment and our rights to respond however we see fit over showing God's grace, love and forgiveness. We need His strength,  His armor and each other to live lives set apart! Then, as we start to live set apart - the battle heats up and we need Him, armor and each other all the more! But, take heart! When the light is shinning bright in the darkness, when the contrast is astoundingly evident, and the battle is fierce;  that's when we get to see God accomplish great things in us and through us for His glory and fame! That is living life truly abundantly!  May we all end our days able to say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”