So my day has been full of beautiful children laying in the living room and family room with high fevers, blankies and armed with Tupperware bowls. At about two this afternoon, I was feeling like life couldn't get any better. Sunday and I were snuggled up together on my lovely suede couch in the family room, all bundled up, surrounded by pillows and watching the Micky mouse club house. I can't even tell you how much I love those precious moments when my kids still need me, and also want me to be as close as possible to them. There is nothing in this world as beautiful and satisfying for a mother. Sunday sat up for a moment and took a drink from her sippy cup. As quick as it went in, it came spewing out all over me, all over our blankets, all over my suede couch....Elijah quickly brought me a towel, with which I caught the rest of the abundance flowing from her mouth. I quickly carried her to the bath and got her all settled. I came back into the family room to clean it all up, when Lils sits up, puts her hand on her hip and says "So, I guess I have a pretty good idea of what Sunday's throw up looks like now!".
I feel like if I had any reason at all to have a bad day, this would be it, but you know what? It has been a really really great day! My house is not clean, my laundry is plied up, my kids are sick and I am hobbling around in immense pain....due to a minor sledding incident, which ended with a broken sled, injured tailbone and twisted knee on my BIRTHDAY! Don't you worry, the rock we hit is fine. I swear these things only happen to me! Just to prove that there is a Nightingale curse lurking around somewhere... I fell down the stairs last night. Yep, didn't have my contacts in, missed a step and... Wallah!!! Rachel, sprawled out on the tile in our entry way at midnight. Brilliant. Guess what I managed to break the fall with? My tailbone and already twisted knee. Keep in mind, this is all just hours before waking up to throw up...in my bed!

I have never understood the second half of Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." I love the Proverbs 31 woman, so beautiful, efficient, strong, loving, capable and dignified. One day I hope to be just like her. Every time I read that verse I wondered why she was laughing. It probably didn't help that the picture I have always had in my head of her laughing was a little creepy, I have an overactive imagination sometimes. However, today God gave me some insight on that verse. She can laugh at the days to come because she knows where she belongs, what she was made for, she knows God is providing and protecting her family and she has everything that is most important to her under her roof. She is laughing because she is thankful for all she has, confident in the Lord's plan for her life. Today I sit here, laughing at the craziness of my day, thankful for all the beauty that surrounds me and confident that no matter what tomorrow looks like God still has the Libby family in the palm of His hand and we all get to spend tomorrow under this roof. Knowing all of that truth frees me. Today I choose Joy.
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