Monday, January 7, 2013

Miraculous love

    A few years ago I went to a Beth Moore conference in Portland. I love that woman. She doesn't know it yet, but we are best friends. I have a picture from the night conference. She was four feet away from me and if she wasn't in the middle of speaking profound words of truth in that moment I would have gone ballistic screaming her name and waving profusely until she knew that I was her biggest fan, best friend, kindred spirit....yes, I love her.

    Anyway...she said something that has left an imprint on my heart. Beth said that we have the power to love miraculously, completely beyond ourselves because we have the love and power of Jesus alive in us. I have known that for years, but somehow those words fell upon my heart in a fresh and new way. 

    Ever since then I have prayed that the Lord would help me love beyond myself, love like He loves - selflessly, humbly, powerfully, purposefully, a love that covers a multitude of sins, a love that bears with others, forgives completely, a love that believes the best in others, a love that doesn't hold a grudge, a love that isn't easily offended, a love that puts others first, a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love.... the same kind of love that stepped into this dark world and changed it forever. That is the kind of love that we have access to with Jesus alive and living. That is the kind of love we can share generously and freely with the Holy Spirit working in our lives producing fruit beyond what we are capable of and despite our human inadequacies. This is the love that continues to change the world because it is miraculous, unlike anything else, it's supernatural, it's God's love.

   Don't hold back your love today, give it freely. It will change you and that's just the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful AND true Mrs. Libby. Love you and your family!
