It always seems that when David goes away Satan works especially hard to attack me here on the home front! This time was no exception. As soon as he drove away Sunday's fever started to rise....She was awake all night...and so was I. Thank heavens my dear friend Teresa introduced me to some great BBC dramas that kept her and I both entertained as I tried to rock her back to sleep. But she didn't go back to sleep til 5am and then my other kids got up! ha ha ha! This is my luck! You have no idea how classic this is for the Libby home! Normally the lack of sleep would turn me into a bear...ugly, furry with a furious growl...and bite...ha ha ha But God is good and He is faithful. He keeps His promises despite our circumstance. 2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness" This is true. i can vouch for it. I am proof that God gives us all we need to live godly lives despite ourselves!
The kids and i suited up w the fruit of the spirit on our drive to school. We all prayed that the Lord would fill us with his Holy Spirit and the fruit that He brings to our, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and self control...and guess what?! He did. We faced some trials that evening and God graciously gave me all I needed to handle them with kindness, love and wisdom. Which is a complete miracle...considering how I would have normally responded on my own...with no sleep...We had a great evening together and I am SO thankful!
Night number two....also a complete disaster....when Sunday wasn't awake Lily was and she woke up everyone!!! So we had a giant sleep over! All four kids in my room. Sounds delightful, precious and sweet....but I am pretty sure no one got any sleep after 3 am...especially me. So, once again I feel like the Lord is sustaining me beyond what my flesh is capable of. And I am so thankful! It's in times like these when I see His power at work in my everyday life and what a difference it makes!!! I get a front row seat to what he is doing in my kids hearts and lives too. That just fuels my desire to be more like Him and to allow Him to continually be transforming me into His likeness....if my kids see it in me, I know they will want it in their own lives as well! I love being able to teach them that God cares about even the little things, He cares so deeply for us and our character. He even uses sleepless nights to teach me more about who He is and the power He has to sustain undeserving, little me. I may be a sleepy mama bear but I am a blessed one.