Thursday, September 6, 2012

He will wipe every tear

     I couldn't sleep  last night. Too much on my mind. After the unexpected and tragic loss of a family friend yesterday evening, I tossed and turned faced with the reality that death and life are sometimes separated only by an instant. When my sister had leukemia, it was a long process, we had time to grieve and tried to prepare ourselves for the devastating and unimaginable pain of death. But how does one even begin to do that? As a child I couldn't even grasp the reality of what that separation from Sarah would be like.Whether you expect it to come or whether a life is torn away from you unexpectedly, the pain is real, overwhelming, dark and deep. Unbearable. The only thing that eased my pain and brought me comfort was knowing that as a believer my sister and I would one day be reunited. Praise God! The light in this dark world, our only hope and deliverer. I will see Sarah again and I can find an incomprehensible joy and peace in that.

   It's the simplest thing that I have the hardest time getting my head around, that instant when a person goes from having life, breath, thoughts, dreams, hopes, ideas....and then it all vanishes. It's gone. I have often wondered what happens in that moment.... My sisters last moment on earth brings me so much comfort and expectation. It has eliminated my fear of death and brought me hope. Sarah was so weak, but with her last breath she sat up, reached up to heaven and said the name of Jesus. I believe she saw Him and stepped out of this life and into eternity with Him. No more pain, no more weakness, no more suffering. He was there in her last moment on this earth and ushered her into heaven.

   I still remember the pain in that season, it never goes way. BUT hope rises, and the expectation of joining her becomes greater then the pain. The good that has come from this sober reminder of how fragile and short life truly is...Today I have held my kids closer, told them I love them more, made the most of the moments i would have taken for granted.... and I pray I can continue to do so. I want to live this life in all its fullness, making the most of every day and every opportunity. "Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" James 4:14 Unfortunately, that's the reality in this world, complete uncertainty. The only response that can provide comfort and strength is:

 Psalm 62: 5-8 "Find rest O my soul in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress I will not be shaken...he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

Then I can turn my eyes upward wait expectantly, Revelation 21:3b-5a "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new!"

  Life is full of the unexpected and unpredictable but God never changes, His promises are true. No matter what we face in this world, when we believe in Jesus and trust Him as our Savior we are blessed with an unwavering HOPE....Jesus will step from this world into eternity with us...and we will all be HOME.

Rosy Posy and sweet Duffy clan, Just as I will see my sister, you will see yours and what a reunion that will be! Love you forever.

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