I feel the spirit of God sometimes say to me: "I understand that you're not very happy about this, that you're scared to death, that you may be crying over this. Cry, shake, whatever, but do My will Child. I have victory for you." - Beth Moore
I don't know about you, but when I read the statement above it rang through my whole body! There are a couple things in my life that I am continually falling on my face before the Lord over. Primarily because I am truly afraid. The sick in the pit of your stomach, can't sleep at night, can't even rest until I cover it with prayer, give it to the Lord kind of fear.
I am not normally a fearful kind of person, but now as a mama raising four little ones, it seems like all my fear nerves have been exposed. What frightens me is all that is out of my control. Life some times seem so far out of my control...in. every. way. Maybe the realization of this just means I am growing up, a little less naive and perhaps a little more aware of reality.... Whatever it may be, I feel much more vulnerable to life and how it's all unfolding.
We experience trials of so many kinds, every day. Some big, some small, most out of our control. Through our trials we learn and grow, it makes us, or can breaks us.... it binds us closer to the ones in our lives that mean the most as we face life together. This is all true, but not what made the biggest impression on me today. I am glad that I am growing, changing, and that God is doing a good work through it all....but I needed to be reminded that through the whole process, regardless of life's circumstance I need to stop, take a breath, and ask the Lord "What is your will for me in this? Where do you want me to be and what do you want me to do?" AND day in day out strive to DO my Father's will. The growth is hard, but obedience and surrender to God's will is what will bring us victory.
Sometimes I feel like I need permission to not be strong, to let my guard down or to not be put together. It's hard for me to even admit to myself that life is out of my control. I have learned to follow David's suit in Psalms and just lay it all out before the Lord.... to just cry and for a moment and admit that I am afraid. I was always afraid that being vulnerable like that would somehow open the floodgates of emotions...and heaven forbid I ugly cry....but truth be told, there is nothing wrong with a good cry every now and again. I have found a sweet fellowship and freedom in being able to lay everything out before the Lord. He knows it all anyways, but sharing my heart in my own words and thoughts has deepened our relationship. I love that the Lord accepts and loves our humanity. We can go through all the motions, He doesn't mind, He made us, our emotions don't catch Him by surprise. What HE loves, is when we turn our faces upwards through it all and strive to do His will despite it all. That's when we find victory.
Psalm 145:18-19 "The Lord is near all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry for help and saves them."
Romans 15:13 "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
My name is Rachel, I am a fox hoarder
- Song of Songs 2:15
Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.
Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about all the little foxes in my life. The sly little things that I allow to creep into my life and steal my joy. If I let them, they can also crowd out the peace in my heart. These little foxes can be day changers for me, depending on whether I catch them and put them where they belong or whether I spend time mulling over how I could or should be offended, hurt, resentful..... they are sly little things!
These little foxes are not my kids...Well, at least not most days! When I took the time to evaluate my attitudes, my reactions and responses....more often then not, it's the small little things that I let get away from me that cause the most damage. These little foxes appear in a thousand different ways in my life. It could be something that my husband said, or just even the way he said it. It could be an expectation that I had of how I wanted the morning to go and my morning unfolding differently then I had hoped. It could be something that makes me late, or chores not getting done, little arguments, fits, or bad attitudes from the kids... All these little things can ruin the atmosphere in my home and my heart if I don't take my thoughts captive!
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
The bitterness, resentment, misinterpretations, misconceptions and misunderstandings that can grow out of all these little foxes can truly ruin lives, marriages, families and friendships if left running wild and unchecked. Our emotions are not always an accurate gage of reality. We may feel a certain way about something that was said or done, and we may be completely justified in feeling that way. However, we are still held responsible for where we let our heart, attitude and mind go with it. We have to catch those sly little foxes and make them obedient to Christ before they ruin the great work that the Lord can accomplish in us and through us!
I actually wrote this yesterday, but have had a hard time pressing the send button! A little too convicting for this stuffer, who tends to suppress her feelings about the little foxes all day long. In doing that, I allow my attitudes and feelings to grow teeth and take bites out of my joy, my peace, contentment, and sometimes others too. If left running through my mind, I allow them to consume my thoughts until they have festered and grown into hideous beasts that explode on my husband or kids.... I am probably alone in that, but it is truly a daily battle for me to keep His perspective, to keep my attitude in check and to choose joy when things are not going my way. It's so sad how often I let the little things, that could be easily resolved with a little communication or humble pie, keep me from being a vessel used by God to extend grace, exude joy and embrace others with unconditional love. That's who I want to be, that is who I strive to be! Want to go fox hunting with me?
May the Lord God Almighty give us the wisdom and insight to know a fox when we see it. May you and I mindfully catch those little foxes all day, not even giving them an opportunity to sneak their way into our lives. As a result may the Lord grow in our lives and homes enabling us to bloom beautifully as we forgive hurts and offenses, extend grace, exude joy and share the miraculous love of Jesus through our daily living.
1 Peter 1:3-11
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Outstretched Arms
Psalm 103:1
Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
This week I have been putting to practice 1 Thessalonians 5:8 "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Let me tell you, it has been amazing! My circumstances haven't changed, my trials are still here, my children are still crazy, my house is still not perfect...nothing about my surroundings has changed. But, I am truly living in a whole new world. My heart and mind have been transformed. My attitude has changed and my perspective is different.
As I have been going about my day I make sure to praise Him in every circumstances. When Sunday wakes up an hour earlier than normal, "I praise you Lord that I get this extra time with Sunday today, How can I make the most of it?" Elijah is having a hard time getting his school work done today, "I praise you Lord that he gets to have his bad days here in the safety of our home and in a place where nobody could love him better." Sunday takes off her diaper and poops on the floor, true story, "I praise you God, she must be ready to potty train." When things happen that I don't understand, I can look to the Lord and say "I praise you God, because even though I don't understand what is happening in my life right now, I know that you work all things together for my good and I trust you." When the sun is shinning, "I praise you Lord because I live in Oregon and it is truly a miracle!" When my kids are all coloring quietly at the table together, "I praise you Lord for the moment of silence and for the time spent in peace and harmony." There is something to praise the Lord about every minute of every day, and living life with a heart that seeks to praise the One who made me, has changed me.
I love this quote from Catherine Marshall, "Praise will wash away my resentments...I was to do it despite my lack of joy -simply because God told me to. True praise grows out of the recognition and acknowledgement that in His time God will bring good out of bad. There is the intolerable on one hand and the fulfillment of Romans 8:28 on the other."
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
God commands us to praise Him, to be joyful and to be thankful in all circumstances. It's not merely a suggestion, its a command. If you have a little rebellious streak in you, like I do, the word command sounds a little bit harsh and it makes me me feel confined and restricted. But God asks us to praise Him, be joyful and be thankful because HE knows that it is what is best for us. He made us after all, he knows how our hearts and minds work and what we need to function at our best. He knows what brings out the best in us. Surely only looking inside ourselves, our needs and our circumstance does not bring the fulfillment and contentment that we need to thrive. When we take our eyes off ourselves it's not confining or restricting at all....it's freeing. The truth is, when I praise God through in all circumstances, step outside of myself and all that consumes me, I am no longer shackled to my trials, my burdens or my circumstances. Looking to Him and praising Him frees me up to see the greater picture. What once seemed overwhelming and all consuming is now one more reason to praise Him, trust Him and watch Him work in me and my life for good. Praise the Lord that he knows my inner workings and what is going to help me to thrive, and bring the most glory to Him in my short, mist-like existence. Praise the Lord that He knew we all needed something more to live for then our frail human selves. Praise the Lord that He is worthy of all our praise - He loves us, heals us, guides us and saves us, may we strive to give Him the praise he deserves!
This week has been life changing for me and I pray it is just the beginnings of His great work in me. It has changed the way that I respond to situations, changed my attitude and expectations. My marriage has benefited from my happy, eager to please, and quick to love heart. I feel as though the Lord is changing me from the inside out. I have found that my heart of praise has trickled down to my kids and as they have faced certain challenges and bad attitudes. I have had them list the things they can thank the Lord for. As I sat on the side of Hope's bed last night, she was discouraged and we took the time to list all the things we can praise the Lord for. The list could have been unending. We praised God for our home, food to eat, beds to sleep in, comfy blankets, pillows, clothes to wear, school, teachers, our church, a bother and sisters that love her, parents that love her and each other, a God that loves her, salvation, a back yard to play in, friends, chocolate milk.....a nice tush, a nice face....before you know it she was laughing and ending her day with a thankful heart and a smile on her face. As a parent, teaching her to have a thankful heart is one of the best gifts I can give her.
It is absolutely amazing what praise can cultivate on our hearts. We were made to worship Him. There is no doubt about it. When we live how He made us to live, it is absolutely transforming. May you and I live our lives with outstretched arms, giving praise to the one who breathed His life into our beings, saved us and paid for our ressurection. May our praise bring Him glory and continually transform us into His likeness day after day.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—
Psalm 105:1
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
Psalm 113:3
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.
Psalm 146:2
I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Psalm 68:19
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 117:2
For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.Praise the Lord.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Valentines day challenge
This morning the Libby family gathered into the family room. Every one listened intently to our family devotions....except for Sunday who kept raising her hand and yelling "It's Jesus daddy!!!! It's JESUS!" after every question that was asked. Oh the sweetness in her precious little desire to join right in!
It's Valentines week at the Libby home and we have been in full swing here for a couple weeks already as both Hope and Lily LOVE to celebrate love! They are my sweet little romantics. There are cut out hearts of all sizes and colors taped throughout the house, hanging from the microwave, fans, oven, light fixtures and windows, thanks to my creative and artistic Hope.
Both girls have been busy all week, cutting, taping, coloring, punching out little hearts and writing their names and classmates names carefully on each card. Then when the card is perfect, beautiful and full of lovely words and pictures, they have taped a heart shaped lollipop to each one. They are SO invested in blessing the people they love. Aren't we all?
In our family devotions we studied Matthew 5:44 "But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you." David challenged the kids to not just do things for the people we love, but also for the ones that may not like us, or have hurt our feelings. Immediately, Hope and Lily jumped up, ran to the table and made beautiful cards that said, "God loves you! Have a great day!". Hope's had a big sunshine on the front and Lily had carefully drawn two little girls holding hands in her card. David told the girls not to put their names on the cards, but to secretly bless the girls who had been mean to them at school. Honestly, I was surprised by their willingness to be loving and kind to the girls that had hurt their feels. Beyond that, they were both so excited and filled with so much joy, it truly blessed me! As we ended our devotions time together both girls prayed for the recipients of their cards, carefully put them in their bags and left for school.
So, now I ask you? Are you up for the Libby girl challenge this Valentines day? I wonder what the Lord could grow in your heart and my heart if we made the effort to bless and encourage our "enemies" in a thoughtful and loving way this Valentines Day? Ready, Set, GO!
Romans 12:10
It's Valentines week at the Libby home and we have been in full swing here for a couple weeks already as both Hope and Lily LOVE to celebrate love! They are my sweet little romantics. There are cut out hearts of all sizes and colors taped throughout the house, hanging from the microwave, fans, oven, light fixtures and windows, thanks to my creative and artistic Hope.
Both girls have been busy all week, cutting, taping, coloring, punching out little hearts and writing their names and classmates names carefully on each card. Then when the card is perfect, beautiful and full of lovely words and pictures, they have taped a heart shaped lollipop to each one. They are SO invested in blessing the people they love. Aren't we all?
In our family devotions we studied Matthew 5:44 "But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you." David challenged the kids to not just do things for the people we love, but also for the ones that may not like us, or have hurt our feelings. Immediately, Hope and Lily jumped up, ran to the table and made beautiful cards that said, "God loves you! Have a great day!". Hope's had a big sunshine on the front and Lily had carefully drawn two little girls holding hands in her card. David told the girls not to put their names on the cards, but to secretly bless the girls who had been mean to them at school. Honestly, I was surprised by their willingness to be loving and kind to the girls that had hurt their feels. Beyond that, they were both so excited and filled with so much joy, it truly blessed me! As we ended our devotions time together both girls prayed for the recipients of their cards, carefully put them in their bags and left for school.
So, now I ask you? Are you up for the Libby girl challenge this Valentines day? I wonder what the Lord could grow in your heart and my heart if we made the effort to bless and encourage our "enemies" in a thoughtful and loving way this Valentines Day? Ready, Set, GO!
Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
2 Corinthians 13:11
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Making Time for what Counts
Jeremiah 29:13
Last night I was laying in bed thinking about what my sweet Grandpa Nightingale used to tell my father growing up. My father has reminded me of this wisdom over the years as well, and it has stuck with me in a beautiful way. It goes a little something like this.... When your day is full to the brim, start it in the Word and spend some time with God first. Then everything else will fall into place.
This has been one of those things I am continually reminding myself, almost on a daily basis. It is easy for me to bump my quiet time with the Lord when I have so many other things pressing in and four little people in constant need of one thing or another. But when I do make the time, I never regret it. There is no better way to start the day. I find that when I spend time with Him it helps me to prioritize my day. He always has and always will enable me to accomplish what He desires for me to do each day.
The tricky part is being able to discern what His will is for me each day. Often my priorities and agenda are not in the same order as what He has for me that day. Most days cleaning my house and trying to stay on top of it, is often my number one priority. What I have been realizing as I ask God to arrange my day is that God has no problem with a clean house, but my husband, my children and the people that the Lord brings into my life that day are far more important than the state of my house. So if you come over and my house is messy....it's not because I don't care, it's because I have prioritized you. ;)
My sweet Pastor's wife, Denise Nelson has taught me something very valuable along the same lines.... to be more flexible. To start the day by saying "What do you have for me today Lord?" and being willing to forgo my own plans and priorities for the people that He brings to me that day. I have found that when I live my life pressing into Him and where He leads me, He accomplishes very sweet things in my life and in the lives of those that cross my path. I also have peace about the things I never got around to. They weren't on His list for my day. I have realized that the things that are important to me, like a clean house, still get done, just in a different order...the right order. In His time and His way.
I love the way Sarah Young writes in Jesus Calling, "Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to me in rich communion." I loved the reminder that God is sovereign over all, time, events... everything. It would be in my best interest to align myself with what He desires for my day.
Don't let life and circumstance lead you or toss you about. Let the Lord lead and guide you through your day! Be purposeful and intentional about your day and the time the Lord has gifted you!
*If you don't know where to start read a Proverb a day, through the Psalms or a Gospel. Ask a friend to do the same and you can talk about it, encourage each other and hold each other accountable. After I read it helps me to write out a verse, some thoughts and prayer requests. That really helps me to focus on what I am doing so that my time with the Lord is purposeful and I am not distracted by all that is surrounding me. I have a prayer journal too that I use often to help me communicate my thoughts and feelings to the Lord. I leave that time so refreshed, strengthened and blessed. There is truly no better investment.
Colossians 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Psalm 119:10 "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands."
Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me."
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Last night I was laying in bed thinking about what my sweet Grandpa Nightingale used to tell my father growing up. My father has reminded me of this wisdom over the years as well, and it has stuck with me in a beautiful way. It goes a little something like this.... When your day is full to the brim, start it in the Word and spend some time with God first. Then everything else will fall into place.
This has been one of those things I am continually reminding myself, almost on a daily basis. It is easy for me to bump my quiet time with the Lord when I have so many other things pressing in and four little people in constant need of one thing or another. But when I do make the time, I never regret it. There is no better way to start the day. I find that when I spend time with Him it helps me to prioritize my day. He always has and always will enable me to accomplish what He desires for me to do each day.
The tricky part is being able to discern what His will is for me each day. Often my priorities and agenda are not in the same order as what He has for me that day. Most days cleaning my house and trying to stay on top of it, is often my number one priority. What I have been realizing as I ask God to arrange my day is that God has no problem with a clean house, but my husband, my children and the people that the Lord brings into my life that day are far more important than the state of my house. So if you come over and my house is messy....it's not because I don't care, it's because I have prioritized you. ;)
My sweet Pastor's wife, Denise Nelson has taught me something very valuable along the same lines.... to be more flexible. To start the day by saying "What do you have for me today Lord?" and being willing to forgo my own plans and priorities for the people that He brings to me that day. I have found that when I live my life pressing into Him and where He leads me, He accomplishes very sweet things in my life and in the lives of those that cross my path. I also have peace about the things I never got around to. They weren't on His list for my day. I have realized that the things that are important to me, like a clean house, still get done, just in a different order...the right order. In His time and His way.
I love the way Sarah Young writes in Jesus Calling, "Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to me in rich communion." I loved the reminder that God is sovereign over all, time, events... everything. It would be in my best interest to align myself with what He desires for my day.
Don't let life and circumstance lead you or toss you about. Let the Lord lead and guide you through your day! Be purposeful and intentional about your day and the time the Lord has gifted you!
*If you don't know where to start read a Proverb a day, through the Psalms or a Gospel. Ask a friend to do the same and you can talk about it, encourage each other and hold each other accountable. After I read it helps me to write out a verse, some thoughts and prayer requests. That really helps me to focus on what I am doing so that my time with the Lord is purposeful and I am not distracted by all that is surrounding me. I have a prayer journal too that I use often to help me communicate my thoughts and feelings to the Lord. I leave that time so refreshed, strengthened and blessed. There is truly no better investment.
Psalm 119:10 "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands."
Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me."
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Meus Pais

Dearest Dad and Mom,
I don't even know where to begin. I have so much love and gratitude in my heart for the two of you! I guess the best place to start is the beginning.... I am so thankful that God placed me in a home with two loving parents who desired to love and serve the Lord with their lives. Both of you come from such rich heritages yourselves, and that in itself set the bar high for me in a way. I have always had a lot to live up to. Not because you placed a burden or expectation on me of following your footsteps into ministry, but because with my whole heart I desired to be like you, and both sets of amazing Grandparents- Completely surrendered to whatever the Lord has called me to, wherever or whatever that may be. One of the most precious gifts you have ever given me is the opportunity to see you ready and available to be wherever the Lord led you. It took us all over the place as a family and I love that you listened to the Lord's voice and obeyed Him, even though it cost you greatly. Neither of you ever focused on the cost, but on the joys of the ministry and the adventures we were able to experience together as a family. Not very many people would leave their families, leave their securities and comforts to do some of the things you have done. That in itself has made my heart so proud and has struck me with an even greater admiration of you now that I have a family of my own.
Over the last 31 years I have had the opportunity to see the Lord use you both in amazing ways. You have both used your gifts and abilities all over the map to bring God glory, to bring light to those in the darkness and to disciple the people the Lord has brought to your ministries. You have both changed so many peoples lives because of your faithfulness, perseverance and persistence in doing what the Lord has called you to. I have been able to watch you and experience what it is like to be apart of thriving ministries as well as ones that need encouragement, hard work and much perseverance. The most amazing thing to me is that you have never shied away from either. You bring all your great ideas, dreams and energy to whatever the Lord brings you. It's truly inspirational. When things are hard, you never back away or quit, you persevere. You always, continually bring your best. That is such a noble and beautiful offering.
The two seasons of your lives that have undoubtedly left the most significant and unforgettable mark on me are by far the most difficult ones you have walked through. You may not been aware of this, but as you walked through the fiery trials of life, there were many people watching you, I was one of them. As you fought for Sarah's life and then sat by her side as she stepped into heaven, I was not just living through it with you, but watching you every step of the way for guidance in how to respond, react and live amid a flood of emotions and fear. You showed me what unwavering courage looks like, how to unconditionally love, how to survive tragedy while being in the spotlight of full time ministry. AND most of all you taught me how to cling to the Rock, how to truly trust God when life is not fair and when nothing makes sense. That is parenting at it's finest. Then years later, as missionaries you were held at gunpoint while men stole all your belongings, right down to your groceries, threatened your lives, beat you and duck taped you....you shared the good news of Jesus with them. That still brings tears to my eyes even now. Your lights shined so brightly that day. SO brightly. Those men saw Jesus that day in your bravery, love, grace and the forgiveness you extended. Your willingness to die for the sake of Christ and your love in the face of evil - that is when the world saw what you are truly made of. Your faith in God far exceeds any fear, any threat - even death. You are leaving an amazing legacy. When people, including myself, see that kind of faith it inspires us to stand up to - to make a difference, to make our lives count and to have a greater purpose.

Growing up in your home was a grand adventure. I look back on all those years so thankful for every road trip, every move, each camping trip, hike, game night, movie night, missions trip and every touristy location you dragged my tired teenage want to sleep in butt to on the weekends. Thank you for giving me such a spectacular existence and for training me up to love and obey God. It has not departed from me, it is alive and flowing from my life into the little lives that have now been entrusted to me. And it is my greatest prayer that how I live my life would inspire my children to walk, serve and honor the Lord with their little beings... just like your lives continue to inspire me.
With much admiration, love and affection,
Your favorite child ;),
Rachel Anne
Isaiah 43:1-3a
"But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior"
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