This week I have been overcome by the stark difference between how the world defines love and God's love. There has been a huge disconnect somewhere along the lines....what women in our society think true love is - is absolutely heart breaking. If only they truly knew God's love, their expectations would be higher, their motives would be purer, their self esteem would be greater and their confidence in something sweeter and much more beautiful then their appearance, apparel and others could rest secure in God's love.
Not only is our view of love skewed. Our view of true beauty has also been immensely distorted. Women have become so consumed and wrapped up in their outward appearance, that in many cases it has taken priority to character, morality and inner beauty. Unfortunately, we will never be satisfied, content or at peace with who we are as women if we are not pleased with who we are at the core, who we are in the essence of our being.
It is Satan's specialty to take something beautiful that God created...something beautiful that God IS... and slightly twist it, turn it a little on it's head and use it to make us feel inadequate, unworthy, unfulfilled, and longing for something intangible and skewed. It robs us of knowing God's love in its fullness, and keeps us from being able to appreciate the beauty God created in each of us.
If you know me at all, you know that I love beauty and beautiful things. I love all things shiny and sparkly, I love fashion and make up and nail polish and frills....I love beauty. There is nothing wrong with that. It is how the Lord made me. I love to see the beauty in life and all that God made beautiful. There is nothing wrong with striving to have outer beauty....However, it is the icing on the cake...outer beauty is not the cake. Icing on a crappy cake is no delight. I truly desire to have an inner beauty that shines with the love, grace and compassion of Jesus. To cultivate and grow those things in my heart I always need to make sure that I am investing more in heart, mind and character than I am in anything else. I care most about being like Jesus. It's about the having the best cake, the frosting is just some extra goodness and freely delighting in what God has created.
As I raise my three little girls, who also love all things girly and beautiful, I have made a point to teach them and train them up to value and strive for inner beauty, integrity and godly character. I always compliment them on the good they do, the wonderful things I see in them that look like Jesus, the good choices they make and the attitudes of the heart. I am trying my best to give them a solid foundation in the Lord and set them up for success as they are growing up in a world that puts immense amounts of pressure on young girls and women to be beautiful by the worlds standards...and I pray with my whole heart that each of my girls will know God's love in such a deep and powerful way that they will never be fooled, swayed or compromise what they know as truth and fullness in Christ for the empty, selfish and superficial love this world offers.
The world has spoken loud and clear on the topics of love and beauty. It's everywhere, in magazines, in the media, movies, TV shows, books, celebrities, our public schools, peers....its hard to compete with the bombarding that is happening in our society! I have had the privilege of speaking with many young women 12 and up, women my age and older, about their struggles surrounding their desire for beauty and pursuit of love. These are just some of the beliefs that are being conveyed to us by our society...
-Beauty and appearance is of utmost importance. Your goal- To look like the women in the magazine.
-Your style, make up, how you dress and present yourself is what's gonna draw the men in.
-You can do anything for love. Compromise your morality, cheat, give yourself away, it will all be fine and worth it when your love is returned. Then you will live happily ever after.
-Sex = security
-Sex is always passionate, and perfect. It should always be like it is in the movies or you haven't got it goin' on.
-A mans true love will complete you
-All you need is love.
-Your personal happiness is far more important than commitment and working through the hard times.
There are so many lies about love and beauty that have greatly affected women of all ages in our society. The statistics in the U.S. are daunting and greatly suggest that these lies we believe are extremely costly.
- The Center of Disease Control has reported that by the age of twenty 3/4 of teens have had sex.
- About 820,000 teenage girls become pregnant each year - Teen Pregnancy Statistics
- Up to 24 million people suffer from an eating disorder in America -
- $40 Billion is spent on diet products each year in America
- $17 Billion is spent on make up annually by Americans
- Not to mention that depression and anxiety have touched the lives of over 12 million women in the U.S. according to Mental Health of America.
The world is speaking and girls and women in America are listening and choosing to strive to live by the worlds standards and expectations. The saddest part of it all is that the more we seek to live by the standards of this world the more empty, lonely, undesirable and unfulfilled we feel. Because we can't measure up to an airbrushed standard that isn't even real. We need to train our hearts and minds to tune out the world, as loud as it may be, and to listen intently to the quiet, still, truer than true voice that is whispering "I love you unconditionally, no matter what you have done, no matter what you will do, I know your heart, your thoughts, I know you in your inner being and I LOVE YOU. I made you just the way you are - and you are a true beauty, made in my image, made in my likeness, BEAUTIFUL. Embrace your beauty, live in confidence, and let the love that shines from within be what others find most appealing, attractive and definitive of who you are. Your character is what matters, it is gonna be all that matters when your earthly beauty fades. Start investing in it now and shine for me."
It is time to let God's truth, God's love for us, God's delight in us be the standard, be what we live by, and what we yearn for....Time to let God be enough. He is more than enough. He is all that we need as we seek approval, search for identity and long for love. He is the answer, the only answer that is enough, absolutely all we ever need. May Jesus in His goodness, perfection and grace free us from the lies that bind us. May He rescue us from the insecurities and unmet desires for love and acceptance that have held us captive. It's my prayer that our eyes and hearts can be opened so that we may deeply and truly see the love He has for us and the perfect beauty He sees in us.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Armor of God - Helmet of Salvation
Ephesians 6:10-18 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take a stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and wit your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for the Saints."
Growing up I was pretty tomboyish. I liked to ride my bike, catch water snakes, tadpoles and lizards, dig ditches with my dad and gather the chicken eggs from the coop... I tried to ride our sheep a few times and I was never afraid to get dirty or muddy. But this tomboy was also very sensitive. I remember a neighborhood boy teased me once and my dad found me sitting on the curb, next to my bike with tears streaming down my face. My dad always had sweet words of advice and worked hard to teach me how to forgive mean neighborhood boys like Jesus did, and how to live more like a duck... to think of insults like water rolling off a ducks back. In high school my dad tried a new approach. He would listen carefully to me and then smack me in the forehead and say "Life's tough, wear a helmet!", we would both laugh and then we would discuss the best approach to whatever I was facing at the time.
The truth is, life IS tough! God's Word gives us some wisdom as well, wear a helmet! To keep fighting the good fight, day in and day out, our salvation needs to be in the forefront of our minds. We need to live life with eternal perspective. Our lives on this earth are short. When we take our last breath on this earth our bodies will begin the process of returning to dust. All that matters in that moment is our salvation.
Our desperate need of salvation is woven through all of history. Since the moment Adam and Eve sinned, the entire human race has been in great need of redemption. Evil and sin run rampant in our world and our flesh is so prone to wander from our Maker, so easily blinded by the lies of the ever so cunning serpent. The Bible from beginning to end is a beautiful story of redemption. A story of salvation for those who look to Jesus Christ. Jesus, fully God, fully man, born of a virgin, died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sin, so that we can have peace and relationship for eternity with a holy God. It isn't just woven through scripture, it's has been woven into our hearts - our complete make up as humans. I have encountered people who have never heard of Jesus, yet have spent their lives sacrificing chickens or even hurting themselves in hopes that it is enough to appease spirits or gods for the wrong they have done. We were built to worship and be in relationship with our Creator. Our hearts and souls yearn for the vacancy in our beings to be filled and the only way to fill that void, the only way to find peace with God is through Jesus. He is our salvation.
Even when we know the truth, and are saved, our human flesh still desires to put self on the throne instead of bowing to our Maker. Without God's truth reigning in our lives our human desire will be to bow to self every time. It is sometimes a daily battle to live everyday with His eternal perspective, it's not about what I want for this moment. It's about living this moment for Him, in a way that will change me and change others forever. How I live, even in the small things makes a difference. I am forever grateful for the gift of salvation and freedom in Christ. My love for my Savior ignites a passion in me to be who He has called me to be and to live how He has asked me to live. When my words and actions reflect my hope of salvation others can see what a difference Jesus has made in my life. When I live for myself, it is often lonely, meaningless and full of selfish desires to please myself. No matter how much chocolate cake I eat, money I spend, time I waste...I still feel the emptiness of life with out Christ. When I am living for God, basking in the beauty and grace of His salvation, I am free, I can focus on loving others. That, my friend, has proven to be way more fulfilling than living to love myself.
The helmet of salvation was intended for the believer. It can only be put on your head when you believe. The head is obviously a major target, and we can protect it with the hope we have in our salvation, the promise of eternal life with Christ. We desperately need a helmet, the rest of our armor would be pretty ineffective with out a head. We are of no use with out our heads on straight! Satan is constantly at work attacking our minds with thoughts of doubt, discouragement, and also the lie that we don't need a Savior and are enough on our own- pride. Our hope of salvation is what anchors our hearts and thoughts in the assurance and promise of eternal life through Christ. John MacArthur says "...although a Christians feelings about his salvation may be seriously damaged by Satan inspired doubt, his salvation itself is eternally protected and he need not fear its loss...Security is a fact, assurance is a feeling that comes to the obedient Christian."
Live today inspired by the One who gave His life so that you could live. Live in the light, you have been rescued from the darkness. Live free from doubt or fear. He paid the price for your freedom, He SAVED you, do not live as though you are still bound. Live this short life, that you have been gifted, with as much gusto, love, grace and perseverance that your being can contain for the glory of God. You have been saved! And that sweet salvation gives you somethings amazing to live for...eternity.
Growing up I was pretty tomboyish. I liked to ride my bike, catch water snakes, tadpoles and lizards, dig ditches with my dad and gather the chicken eggs from the coop... I tried to ride our sheep a few times and I was never afraid to get dirty or muddy. But this tomboy was also very sensitive. I remember a neighborhood boy teased me once and my dad found me sitting on the curb, next to my bike with tears streaming down my face. My dad always had sweet words of advice and worked hard to teach me how to forgive mean neighborhood boys like Jesus did, and how to live more like a duck... to think of insults like water rolling off a ducks back. In high school my dad tried a new approach. He would listen carefully to me and then smack me in the forehead and say "Life's tough, wear a helmet!", we would both laugh and then we would discuss the best approach to whatever I was facing at the time.
The truth is, life IS tough! God's Word gives us some wisdom as well, wear a helmet! To keep fighting the good fight, day in and day out, our salvation needs to be in the forefront of our minds. We need to live life with eternal perspective. Our lives on this earth are short. When we take our last breath on this earth our bodies will begin the process of returning to dust. All that matters in that moment is our salvation.
Our desperate need of salvation is woven through all of history. Since the moment Adam and Eve sinned, the entire human race has been in great need of redemption. Evil and sin run rampant in our world and our flesh is so prone to wander from our Maker, so easily blinded by the lies of the ever so cunning serpent. The Bible from beginning to end is a beautiful story of redemption. A story of salvation for those who look to Jesus Christ. Jesus, fully God, fully man, born of a virgin, died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sin, so that we can have peace and relationship for eternity with a holy God. It isn't just woven through scripture, it's has been woven into our hearts - our complete make up as humans. I have encountered people who have never heard of Jesus, yet have spent their lives sacrificing chickens or even hurting themselves in hopes that it is enough to appease spirits or gods for the wrong they have done. We were built to worship and be in relationship with our Creator. Our hearts and souls yearn for the vacancy in our beings to be filled and the only way to fill that void, the only way to find peace with God is through Jesus. He is our salvation.
Even when we know the truth, and are saved, our human flesh still desires to put self on the throne instead of bowing to our Maker. Without God's truth reigning in our lives our human desire will be to bow to self every time. It is sometimes a daily battle to live everyday with His eternal perspective, it's not about what I want for this moment. It's about living this moment for Him, in a way that will change me and change others forever. How I live, even in the small things makes a difference. I am forever grateful for the gift of salvation and freedom in Christ. My love for my Savior ignites a passion in me to be who He has called me to be and to live how He has asked me to live. When my words and actions reflect my hope of salvation others can see what a difference Jesus has made in my life. When I live for myself, it is often lonely, meaningless and full of selfish desires to please myself. No matter how much chocolate cake I eat, money I spend, time I waste...I still feel the emptiness of life with out Christ. When I am living for God, basking in the beauty and grace of His salvation, I am free, I can focus on loving others. That, my friend, has proven to be way more fulfilling than living to love myself.
The helmet of salvation was intended for the believer. It can only be put on your head when you believe. The head is obviously a major target, and we can protect it with the hope we have in our salvation, the promise of eternal life with Christ. We desperately need a helmet, the rest of our armor would be pretty ineffective with out a head. We are of no use with out our heads on straight! Satan is constantly at work attacking our minds with thoughts of doubt, discouragement, and also the lie that we don't need a Savior and are enough on our own- pride. Our hope of salvation is what anchors our hearts and thoughts in the assurance and promise of eternal life through Christ. John MacArthur says "...although a Christians feelings about his salvation may be seriously damaged by Satan inspired doubt, his salvation itself is eternally protected and he need not fear its loss...Security is a fact, assurance is a feeling that comes to the obedient Christian."
Live today inspired by the One who gave His life so that you could live. Live in the light, you have been rescued from the darkness. Live free from doubt or fear. He paid the price for your freedom, He SAVED you, do not live as though you are still bound. Live this short life, that you have been gifted, with as much gusto, love, grace and perseverance that your being can contain for the glory of God. You have been saved! And that sweet salvation gives you somethings amazing to live for...eternity.
Monday, November 12, 2012
She's goin' to the chapel...
...and she's gonna get married!!!!
My sweet friend Mary is going to walk down the aisle in 18 days!!!! No one is more deserving of a happily ever after then this beauty! Celebrating this exiting time in her life with her has made me so thankful for her friendship, her love for my family and all that we have walked through together the last five years.
Mary has been an extraordinary fixture in our lives! David calls her our furniture, but in all truthfulness she is more like our family. She has never missed a single one of my kids birthdays, she knows them all just as well as I do and loves them almost as much. She has taken the day off work to come with us on their first day of school... gone on trips to Canada with us, taken Hope and I to get her first manicure... been here with us for all the milestones, all the best times in life and walked through the valleys as well. I have a million and three stories to share, memories stored and favorite times that include Missa Mary's sweet face. It is so fun that we all get to celebrate with her as she starts this new adventure in life! I swear Hope (her little mini me) is just as exited about her wedding as she is! :)
It doesn't happen often in life that a friend makes such an impression on your heart...and on every person in your family too! We love you so much and are so thankful to have you in our lives. These pics are from just a few of my favorite memories with you and I am so exited for all the memories that are yet to come too!!!
Here is a little something my kids want to say to you! LOVE YOU!
Dear Mary, I am so exited that I get to be a flower girl! I wanted to tell you that it was SO special to me when you took me to get my twinkle toes. I like everything about you. I love that you sing "you've got a nice tush, you've got a nice face". I like that you are really nice too. I love our story time at night when you come and tuck us in. And that's all. Love you, Hopey
Mary! Thank you I love you thank you i love you. Thank you for the shoes and for coming with me to my first day of school. I LOVE YOU! I like it when you wear flowers clips in your hair sometimes. I think you are funny and i like your nose and forehead. I am exited to be in your wedding!
From, Lily
Hey Mary! I think you are so thoughtful. I liked it when you took me to get candy for my candy shop. I hope my dad says bootylicious at your wedding! 'Cause you deserve it!!! I am always to embarrassed to tell you Eu te amo (that's I love you in portuguese). But, Eu te amo, Elijah
p.s. EU TE AMO
Lujshooo Grama. Boodeelishish.
That's my pillow pet. Love, Sunday
So, as you can clearly see, and I am sure you already knew. We all love you so much and love our lives with you being a big part of them! We are so exited for this next chapter in your life and want you to know... We are counting down the days with you! We are always here for you, and Chris too! We are praying for you as you two get ready to start your lives together and we always will pray for you. We love you so much! You are stuck with us forever.
Love, The Libbys
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Sacramento trip, at least there was cotton candy and AMEN ALL BY MYSELF. What's scone on? |
My sweet friend Mary is going to walk down the aisle in 18 days!!!! No one is more deserving of a happily ever after then this beauty! Celebrating this exiting time in her life with her has made me so thankful for her friendship, her love for my family and all that we have walked through together the last five years.
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Harrison Hot Springs in CANADA. |
Mary has been an extraordinary fixture in our lives! David calls her our furniture, but in all truthfulness she is more like our family. She has never missed a single one of my kids birthdays, she knows them all just as well as I do and loves them almost as much. She has taken the day off work to come with us on their first day of school... gone on trips to Canada with us, taken Hope and I to get her first manicure... been here with us for all the milestones, all the best times in life and walked through the valleys as well. I have a million and three stories to share, memories stored and favorite times that include Missa Mary's sweet face. It is so fun that we all get to celebrate with her as she starts this new adventure in life! I swear Hope (her little mini me) is just as exited about her wedding as she is! :)
Libby/Mary cabin! Our Safeway treat run. Big Chill!! |
It doesn't happen often in life that a friend makes such an impression on your heart...and on every person in your family too! We love you so much and are so thankful to have you in our lives. These pics are from just a few of my favorite memories with you and I am so exited for all the memories that are yet to come too!!!
Here is a little something my kids want to say to you! LOVE YOU!
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Ballerina Mary came to deliver Hope's B-day gift. |
Dear Mary, I am so exited that I get to be a flower girl! I wanted to tell you that it was SO special to me when you took me to get my twinkle toes. I like everything about you. I love that you sing "you've got a nice tush, you've got a nice face". I like that you are really nice too. I love our story time at night when you come and tuck us in. And that's all. Love you, Hopey
Mary! Thank you I love you thank you i love you. Thank you for the shoes and for coming with me to my first day of school. I LOVE YOU! I like it when you wear flowers clips in your hair sometimes. I think you are funny and i like your nose and forehead. I am exited to be in your wedding!
From, Lily
Hey Mary! I think you are so thoughtful. I liked it when you took me to get candy for my candy shop. I hope my dad says bootylicious at your wedding! 'Cause you deserve it!!! I am always to embarrassed to tell you Eu te amo (that's I love you in portuguese). But, Eu te amo, Elijah
p.s. EU TE AMO
painting Sunny's nails, quite a risky task |
Lujshooo Grama. Boodeelishish.
That's my pillow pet. Love, Sunday
Sunny's first Bday |
So, as you can clearly see, and I am sure you already knew. We all love you so much and love our lives with you being a big part of them! We are so exited for this next chapter in your life and want you to know... We are counting down the days with you! We are always here for you, and Chris too! We are praying for you as you two get ready to start your lives together and we always will pray for you. We love you so much! You are stuck with us forever.
Love, The Libbys
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dinner out, lots of talking happened that night... ;) ha ha |
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The day the world of Salem met Chris. :) |
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girl time at the loft. Some of my favorite memories! :) LOVE YOU! |
Friday, November 9, 2012
My sweet little mini me.
My little baby Sunday is 2 now and I see a reflection of myself in her now more then ever. Not just in her dark eyes, dark hair and little round face... but also in her feisty little spirit, her determination, the constant teasing of her siblings, a fierce passion for fairness and justice, and her sweet smiling face looking right at me while she disobeys... Sunday has an appreciation of all things girly - makeup, painted nails and anything frilly...but is also the first one to jump in a puddle, pick up the mud or touch the nasty frog. Yes, I was quite a little spitfire. Now that I am a mother I have for myself a double dose...and go figure, it would be my two little brunettes who would follow suit.

We don't always get to know the reasons why God says no. But this time it became very clear to me. We faced some very difficult trials as a family later on that year. In the midst of it all, I just praised the Lord that He knew what our family would be enduring, He knew how much I could handle and how all consuming events that year would be. There is no way would have been able to carry on with the process of adoption while working through the trials we faced. He spared our hearts from complete brokenness and devastation. David and I are both still very passionate about adoption. Who knows what the future holds for our family. But this I do know, His timing is perfect. Sunday will forever be a reminder of that to me. God is perfect and His timing is perfect. He always closes doors for a good reason. Now when a door closes, even if I don't ever see why, I will choose to trust God and thank Him for always knowing what is best for me in every season.
It has been one of my favorite things to watch all my children grow into their personalities. Watching Sunday grow into a very enthusiastic, nurturing, determined, and loving little girl has been a blessing to our whole family. She has brought a lot of life and joy to everyone. She is a great little dancer, she cant help but move to the music any time it's playing. Sunday sings ALL day long. She is also quite the little talker and listening to her is hilarious. I always know how I sound throughout the day because she repeats everything I say, not in a mimicking kind of way, but she wants to drive the point home as if she is mama #2. She even sighs at the end of her sentence if I sigh....its good accountability for sure! :)
I am so thankful for how the Lord has brought four very different and very wonderful children into our home. He made them bright and brilliant individuals, and in doing so He has also made up the Libby family just the way He intended it to be. We may be a whole lot of crazy... but His way is perfect.
This is my baby picture. Not hard to see the resemblance. |
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