Monday, September 4, 2017

10 Prayers for my Marriage


         This year marks 15 years of marriage for David and I. It has been the most beautiful adventure of my life to grow up alongside him. We were married so young that we had the opportunity to learn who we are and who God was calling each of us to be together. When I was working at Starbucks so many of my sweet young colleagues would ask me how our marriage has lasted this many years... It's sad to me that longevity in marriage these days is so counter cultural, but it presents opportunities for Jesus to shine, because so many people are longing for and looking for true love. Every time I was asked I gave the same answer, I truly believe that what has held us together is Jesus. It's that simple. It's the miraculous power of Jesus. We love Jesus more than we love ourselves and that has always propelled us towards one another, towards resolution, towards faithfulness, forgiveness and love. We are quite different and both very passionate people. The differences either work for us in amazing ways to build life and love into marriage or our differences can work against us and we have to work hard to grow through it together. Over the years what has helped us immensely through every season is prayer. We try our best to have each others backs and to be what the other person needs in the moment even if that is self sacrificial and costly. These are the prayers that we have most commonly prayed for one another over the years and today I was prompted to share them, because lets get real, marriage is beautifully messy and hard work and maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what someone needs to hear today.

1. God,  teach me how to love him better than any other human can. 
2. Would I only have eyes for him and a heart that seeks only his affection and approval.
3. God help me forgive quickly and fully; always give him the benefit of the doubt and always believe the best of him.
4. Would my husband know how truly and deeply loved he is by me. That I would give my first and best love to him and my children. That the love Jesus has for them would pour out of me and onto them every day. 
5.  Jesus, be a shield around him and a shield around us, continually binding us together.
6. Would my husband be strengthened, rooted and established in his faith.
7. Jesus, please use every hardship to grow our love deeper and closer and never farther part. 
8. Anoint David's thoughts and words when he speaks your truth and your Word.
9. Bless our sex life, would our intimacy be sweet, unifying and hot hot hot. 
(sorry, TMI, I know! But I believe God cares about all that too.)
10. Father keep us from putting unrealistic expectations on one another. That we would always seek God first, for our every need, longing, request, wisdom and hearts desires. 

     I know that there are so many more things that a person can pray, and please do, these are just some of the prayers that have kept us humble, grounded, focused and together even through the most difficult of times. We aren't perfect, but we are committed. I often start praying for David when I'm convinced he needs to change and in the process it's my heart that gets transformed. If you aren't praying for your spouse START NOW! Marriage can be such a beautiful testimony and witness of the beautiful, faithful, loyal, powerful, all transforming love of Jesus. Let your love for one another be just that. The brightest love anyone has ever seen pouring out on each other, pointing people to our One true Love, Jesus. 

1 comment:

  1. Well written Rachel, I love you both dearly.
    Jesus is the centre of ones marriage and Prayer is definitely the glue that holds a marriage together.
